Presentation in international conference
1. Title: Preliminary Study of Electric Stimulation on Premature Ejaculation in Patients with
Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome or Chronic Prostatitis
Meeting Location: European Society for Sexual Medicine ( Denmark ),
Date: 2005
Oral/Poster: Oral
2. Title: Effect of Letrozole on Female Rabbit Urinary Bladder Function
Meeting Location: American Urology Association annual meeting (USA)
Date: 2007
Oral/Poster: modified poster
3. Title: Free radical damage as a biomarker of bladder dysfunction following partial outlet
obstruction and reversal
Meeting Location: American Urology Association annual meeting (AUA)
Date: 2007
Oral/Poster: Oral
4. Title: The Effect of Partial Outlet Obstruction on Corpus Cavernosum Smooth Muscle
and Rho-kinase in Rabbits
Meeting Location: Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society (France)
Date: 2007
Oral/Poster: Modified Poster
5. Title: Changes in the smooth muscle of the corpora cavernosum related to reversal of
partial bladder outlet obstruction in rabbits.
Meeting Location: Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society (France)
Date: 2007
Oral/Poster: Modified Poster
6. Title: The Effects of L-arginine and L-NAME on the Response to Chronic Partial Bladder
Outlet Obstruction in the Rabbit
Meeting Location: Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society (France)
Date: 2007
Oral/Poster: Modified Poster
7. Title: Changes in the smooth muscle of the corpora cavernosum related to reversal of
partial bladder outlet obstruction in rabbits.
Meeting Location: American Urology Association annual meeting (USA)
Date: 2008
Oral/Poster: Modified Poster
8. Title: The Effects of estrogen in female rabbit with Partial Bladder Outlet Obstruction
Meeting Location: American Urology Association annual meeting (USA)
Date: 2008
Oral/Poster: Modified Poster
9. Title: The expression of MMP-2, periostin, and CTGF in chronic partial bladder outlet obstruction- induced fibrosis
Meeting Location: Pan-Pacific Continence Society (Korea)
Date: 2010
Oral/Poster: Modified Poster
10. Title: Reverse of bladder outlet obstruction attenuate systemic oxidative stress
Meeting Location: International Continence Society (England)
Date: 2011
Oral/Poster: Poster
11. Metting: 台灣新創醫療學會的第一屆第一次學術大會
Title : The robotic-assisted transperineal MRIultrasound fusion biopsy
Meeting Location :衛生福利部雙和醫院第一醫療大樓13樓國際會議廳
Date : 2022.03.06
Oral/ Moderator : Moderator
12. Metting: 2022 Prostate Cancer Southern Summit
Title : Robotic ptostatectomy : how to achieve the best outcomes ?
Meeting Location :高雄萬豪酒店 10 樓 皇喜會議廳
Date : 2022.03.20
Oral/ Moderator : Speaker
13. Metting: 2022 TUA 半年會 (嘉基)
Title : Precision diagnosis and treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms
Meeting Location: 嘉義基督教醫院 路加堂B1
Date : 2022.04.16
Oral/ Moderator : Moderator
14. Metting: 2022 TUA 半年會 (嘉基)
Title : New modalities in functional urology 新儀器在功能性泌尿學的應用
Meeting Location: 嘉義基督教醫院 路加堂B1
Date : 2022.04.16
Oral/ Moderator : Panelist
15. Metting: 台灣尿失禁防治協會及高杏泌尿照護協會
Title : Anatomical Endoscopic Enucleation of Prostate Symposium
---How to perform HoLEP – China experience
Meeting Location : on line
Date : 2022.05.21
Oral/ Moderator : Moderator
16. Metting: 111年度泌尿科住院醫師核心訓練課程
Title : Basics of Urology (Urological Pathology & Embryology)
Meeting Location : 中山醫學大學正心樓2樓0211教室
Date : 2022.06.18
Oral/ Moderator : Speaker
17. Metting: 台灣脊髓損傷排尿處置專家會議
Title : Active surveillance of urinary tract function in chronic SCI patients
Meeting Location : on line
Date : 2022.06.19
Oral/ Moderator : Moderator
Title : 37th Annual EAU Congress
Meeting Location : Amsterdam RAI, Europaplein 24, 1078 GZ Amsterdam
Date : 2022.7.1-4
Oral/ Moderator : Speaker
19. Metting: TUA 2022 年會
Title : Poster 07
Meeting Location : 高雄萬豪酒店 10F 皇喜會議 室 10D-2
Date : 2022.8.21
Oral/ Moderator : Moderator